LogiMed 2016 (past event)
17 - 18 October, 2016
44 (0) 207 368 9766
Adelin Odent
Belgium Sales Representative
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Adelin.
Download The Latest AgendaDay 1
Monday, September 11th, 2017
12:40 MASTERCLASS: Pursuing the perfect order: How can automation drive supply chain savings and customer excellence?
An invaluable opportunity for you to turn theory into practice by applying your knowledge in an experienced classroom environment. Each masterclass is moderated by leading practitioners and is open to 25 active participants who form part of a high level interactive discussion.
Today’s customers expect greater levels of simplicity, transparency and self-service in every action they take. Meanwhile, executives are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs and streamline manual processes. As a result, many medical device manufacturers have been forced to rethink their supply chain operations. If you are looking to meet your customers’ expectations, yet feel overwhelmed by the amount of manual fax, email and EDI orders to process, join this upcoming masterclass to discover the role that order processing automation plays in creating a more holistic, value-added supply chain via:
- Reduced freight and inventory costs
- Improved visibility and collaboration
- Accelerated order cycle times
- Greater business scalability
St Jude Medical will share with you their own experience and will explain how automation is one of the key they use to reach customer excellence. The pursuit of the “perfect order” just got simpler!